Developing a Landscape Assessment for a Policy Advocacy Strategy
Rising Sun partnered with Common Spark Consulting to assess the benefits of engaging in climate and energy policy advocacy, received tailored recommendations to guide their strategic growth in this area and aligned with their mission to ensure a sustainable and impactful approach.
Expanding the Concept of Essential Energy Use through Stakeholder Input
Common Spark Consulting facilitated stakeholder engagement resulting in an expanded study scope to include data from customers with medical vulnerabilities, a qualitative survey, and a web tool designed by advocates.
Facilitating Dialogue for Energy Efficiency Planning
Common Spark facilitated and supported the Massachusetts Three-Year-Planning process for MassSave energy efficiency program.
Facilitating the California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee
Common Spark Consulting, in collaboration with Birch Road Consulting, is co-facilitating the California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee (CAEECC) and its working groups.