Developing a Landscape Assessment for a Policy Advocacy Strategy
Rising Sun partnered with Common Spark Consulting to assess the benefits of engaging in climate and energy policy advocacy, received tailored recommendations to guide their strategic growth in this area and aligned with their mission to ensure a sustainable and impactful approach.
Imagining a New Funding Framework for Energy Equity
Common Spark, supported by JPB Foundation and the Movement Strategies Center, revamped the Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) program into EEFAx, prioritizing community partnerships and technical support for advocating affordable, resilient homes.
Developing a Landscape Assessment for a Policy Advocacy Strategy
Rising Sun partnered with Common Spark Consulting to assess the benefits of engaging in climate and energy policy advocacy, received tailored recommendations to guide their strategic growth in this area and aligned with their mission to ensure a sustainable and impactful approach.
Guiding a National Environmental Nonprofit’s Housing Justice Strategy
NRDC collaborated with Common Spark Consulting to assess the intersection of housing policy with climate and energy; conducted interviews, listening sessions, and research to inform NRDC's inaugural organization-wide housing strategy.
Embedding Equity into Stakeholder Engagement Processes
Common Spark Consulting was brought into a state building-code process to embed equity within their Public Engagement Plan through an Environmental and Social Justice Appendix.
Centering Community Experiences in a Regional Action Plan
Common Spark Consulting was brought into a four-county regional Energy Efficiency Action Plan development process to conduct outreach with community groups.