Facilitating Inclusive Utility Investment
Common Spark was commissioned by PG&E to establish and facilitate an Equity Committee, which provided guidance on inclusive utility investment and tariffed on-bill financing for clean energy upgrades through 11 meetings focused on regulatory requirements, benefits and risks for low and moderate-income customers, and financial modeling.
Deepening Dialogue between Climate and Environmental Justice Advocates and Policymakers
Common Spark Consulting facilitated spaces for climate and environmental justice priorities to merge with state policymakers' input, fostering collaboration and advancing ideas for joint advocacy efforts.
Building Better Local Zero Emission Policy Together
Through multiple sessions and collaboration with various stakeholders including building owners, architects, and city staff, Common Spark Consulting successfully navigated complexities to establish a feasible start date and exceptions for an ordinance, which then were integrated into local policy.
Centering Community Experiences in a Regional Action Plan
Common Spark Consulting was brought into a four-county regional Energy Efficiency Action Plan development process to conduct outreach with community groups.